Ecosystem change and grow, through labor, and environmental factors caused by man.
I call these sculptural items my hybrid landscapes for they deal with ideas of natural process run through man-made materials and processes.
Through the process of death, we see new life. The process of life and growth is one that I mimic with the hammering of my hand, as I mark the time it takes for a single branch to grow forging out long tendrils. I mold and cast ducks and a lobster, the ducks are a common sight in many lakes, the lobster, absurd. Resin planks of bright green water hold up the ducks and are reflected in the chandelier of artichokes that is hung above. A synthetic sun, shining through leaves. This is a small ecosystem. A hybrid landscape. The water’s fine is made of synthetic and man-made materials, not unlike many of the man-made lakes and ponds that surround human habitats. These natural habitats in the suburbs, are anything but authentic, as they are carved out in urban environments, and a frequent hub for human carelessness.
cast aluminum, forged steel, resin, light, 3d prints, paste wax